Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Back to the Name Game

OK, sports fans, arise from your sonorous summer, and give us some help . . . we are planning to change the name of this here blog in the VERY near future, and offered a valuable prize (drinking on our tab at the Plaza on a designated Thursday evening) for the reader who proposed the name we liked best.

So far the only proposals are . . .

1. The Frontal Lobotomized

2. Jim & Matt's Excellent Lobotomies (I see a theme here, but not sure I like it)


3. The Samurai Defenders

Surely someone has additional thoughts on this weighty matter . . .


Anonymous said...

1. Blog Ipsa Loquitur
2. Reasonable Doubt

jurisdeacon said...

I have always thought that if I started a blog I would call it "ipse dixit" (Latin legal term for "because I say so," for those scoring at home). Since I doubt I will ever be a blogger, I offer it to 2 of my favorite ones...

Matt Eichelberger said...

I'm liking Graham's suggestion, Jim.

Jim Craig said...

What's the plural of "ipse dixit"?

Anonymous said...

So? What's it going to be?!